What Yoga Can Help With & The Global Sleep Fix

January 9, 2018 - Mike Dilke

This week the RELAXBACK UK show looks at some of the specific benefits that yoga can bring to you and also discusses the results of the Global Sleep Fix organised by Sleep Rate.

From the very start of our chat is was obvious to me that Stacey Landau loves to teach yoga and to help her students benefit from it. Just her quiet and infectious enthusiasm will inspire you when you listen to her speak here.

Stacey teaches classes and one to one sessions in the St Albans, Radlet and North London areas. More information about her and her classes is on her website here.

I also spoke with Dr Anda Baharov of Sleep Rate. She is a medic and a sleep researcher who started the company Sleep Rate with the objective to help everyone sleep better. As part of this she instigated the Global Sleep Fix which she opened world wide for free for one month. Nearly 600, 000 hours of sleep has been analysed so far and Dr Baharov discusses some of the results with me here. One thing that was confirmed beyond doubt was the relationship between alcohol and sleep. Using alcohol to help you get to sleep may seem like a sensible idea but the sleep you get is always less effective and you will end up less rested.


If you have any questions or comments resulting from the Relaxback UK show please do ask or make them below and also please listen to the latest Relaxback UK show.