April 11, 2017 - Mike Dilke
This week on the Relaxback UK show I spoke with two experts on the Alexander Technique.
Alan Philps is co-director of the Constructive Teaching Centre for the Alexander Technique which is in London and Jeremy English is a chiropractor as well as an Alexander Technique Practitioner based at the Back Care Clinic in Watford.
Alan teaches teachers and Jeremy is one of about half a dozen in the UK being a chiropractor as well as an Alexander Technique (AT) Practitioner.
I was really tapping into the mother load of experience here. If you want to know about AT then listen here. If you have further questions or comments please do ask or make them below and I will get them addressed as soon as possible.
By listening to the Relaxback UK show you are one of many - the last count was 5000 listeners per month. If you have a musculoskeletal story that will help or inspire others please do get in touch and we will see if we can get it told to the 5000.
Thanks for engaging and thanks for listening to the Relaxback UK show here.
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