Treats at Christmas For Elite Athletes and Everyone Else – also Healthy Body and Healthy Mind With an Osteopath

December 11, 2018 - Mike Dilke

This week on the RELAXBACK UK show I speak with nutritionist Leslie Bonci about treats at Chrsitmas for elite athletes but also the rest of us and also to osteopath Tom Meyers about how his patients report to him a better mental health as well as physical health.

Leslie Bonci looks after the health of American footballers, other athletes and also ballet dancers. These are people that have their body as their business so need to look after it but they also do like the odd treat at Christmas and she talks about that on the Relaxback UK show. It is relevant to everyone as there is a tendency to over indulge over the Christmas period.

Tom Meyers is an osteopath based in Brussels. He is very interesting to chat with and you will enjoy listening to him talk about his approach to life and osteopathy here.

Thank you for reading and please do listen to the Relaxback UK show. If it sparks any questions or comments please do ask or make them below. Tom will be back on future shows so he can answer any questions on the show if you prefer to send questions in directly to my email on