June 13, 2018 - Mike Dilke
This week on the RELAXBACK UK Show I talk with Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, chair of the Royal College of GPs about social prescribing and also Dr Zoe Williams about how we need to walk briskly and get our heart rate up for ten minutes every day.
Some patients who go to see a GP might have their needs best met in another way. GPs have been suggesting this to their patients for years and Professor Stokes-Lampard tells us how they do it, how it can be very beneficial for patients and ald also free up some of the scarce resource of GPs time.
I also chatted with Dr Zoe Williams about how it is important to do some exercise that increases the heart rate so we are a bit breathless. This can help us keep in better shape than aiming for the 10, 000 steps which some people have as a target. Don't stop going for the target but do try to do some slightly more energetic exercise for a few minutes if you can.
Also do you know an unsung hero in the health world? UK Health Radio is having a competition to reward such people. I have nominated someone and you can too - follow this to find out more.
Thank you for reading and if you have any questions or comments please make them below. Also listen to the RELAXBACK UK SHOW.
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