April 15, 2017 - Mike Dilke
Lots of great stuff on this edition of the Relaxback UK Show.
This edition of the show will be available on Tuesday April 18th and to listen GO HERE
Jason Tisdall of Fuel Included spoke with me about electric cars and how they are likely to change the way we interact with motor vehicles in the future - actually the not so distant future.
He sees a time when driverless cars will be able to move away from a layout that conforms to ease of driving and control to pure ergonomics and comfort of the passengers - there won't be a driver. That is not all either - listen here for his other predictions.
We also spoke about the ergonomics and economics of electric cars today. If you have the right car use they can save you a lot of money for sure. However the rules on car taxation and the various different types of electric cars and hybrids can all be a bit confusing. If you have any questions for Jason about all this do ask them here.
Fuel included are having a test drive event in Milton Keynes on Friday May 28th.
Rachael Field has suffered with back issues since she was 17. This is not just the odd twinge either - she has really had bad luck with it and required major surgery. With a mixture of grit, determination, class and skill she has negotiated her way through this and has a successful life. She really does prove if life gives you a lemon you can get on with it and still be fulfilled - however she does not pretend it is easy. Rachael has one successful business and is growing another called Distraction Box.
Listen to her story here. The Distraction Box has been developed to help people get through difficult times and has been created from a position of knowledge. If you know someone who needs help coping with a bad patch then have a look at the website.
Just in case Rachael didn't have enough to do she started a support group for young adults that have had or are facing spinal surgery. Find out about Back2Back by following the link particularly if you have time to get involved as well.
This Relaxback UK show also has a review of the Active Working Summit that was on March 30th. There were some great speakers and the objective was to help us move away from the sedentary style of work that has become ingrained in many of us.
Thank you for reading - please do listen to the show and ask questions/ make comments below.
While away in Malta I had a bout of sciatica – it is really horrible. I visited a physiotherapist who has helped and comforted me by saying that people who are in reasonable shape and think about their posture can get suffer.
I could really of done with a car that drove itself and I could just lie there and tell it where to go when it was at its worst!
I hope to make my experience a case study on the Relaxback UK show.