December 3, 2019 - Mike Dilke
This weeks Relaxback UK Show talks to some office design and layout experts to ask how we can keep staff happy, improve efficiency and find the merits of agile working.
Professor Charles Spence is an expert in how we perceive the world around us. This is very useful when it comes to seeing how staff might interact with their workplace and helping with office design - he is all for lots of plants in the office and is not so sure about open plan layouts. Hear his thoughts on office design here.
Katharine Metters is a physiotherapist, an ergonomist and a health and safety consultant working for Posturite so is a very useful person to give advice on office layout and design. I asked her about agile working and you can hear our discsussion here.
If you have any questions or comments on any of the topics on the show please do ask/ make them here. Thanks for reading.
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