International Stress Awareness Day & Is the NHS Getting Policy Ideas From The Radio 4 News Quiz?

October 31, 2017 - Mike Dilke

Is the NHS getting policy ideas from the News Quiz? - surely not but listen to this weeks RELAXBACK UK show to see if it might be true.

Also Stress Awareness Day is November 1st and I talk to Carole Spiers, founder of The International Stress Management Association about it.


I was listening to the News Quiz on Radio 4 a few weeks ago. The panel were jokingly coming up with ways that nurses might increase their pay. Letting them rent out the home beds of overnight patients in an Airbnb type style seemed like a good plan to one of the guests.

Could policy makers in Essex have been listening as well? It seems they are thinking of using an Airbnb type system to help alleviate the problem of bed blocking. So be careful what you joke about as it may inspire government policy!

November 1st is Stress Awareness Day and I spoke to Carole Spiers about some practical ways to reduce stress at work. In our chat we majored on using physcial exercise and being a bit more active but she has written a book called called Show Stress Who's Boss that looks at other techniques as well.

There is more information about the day here. In London there is the INSAD STRESS FAIR at Virgin Active Health Club, One Exchange Place, Broadgate, London, EC2M 2QT from 5 - 8 p.m. See you there.

Thank you for reading and please do listen to the RELAXBACK UK show. If you have any questions or comments please ask or make them here.

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