February 7, 2017 - Mike Dilke
The Petitions Committee chair, Helen Jones MP, said that when Nicola Thorp was sent home for not wearing high heels the way she was treated 'was against the law.' This has raised a lot of very sensible questions about how women are expected to dress at work. However the fact is that many women do like to wear heels at work or elsewhere even if it might just be on an occasional basis. A lot of them are really uncomfortable but listen to the show to hear about some made by Barbro Jensen that aren't. Based on her own experience of being uncomfortable she has designed a range of more comfortable, heeled shoes.
To see more look at her website here and if you have any questions or want to know more ask them here or contact her at barbro@barbroshoes.com.
Also in this weeks show I speak with Mike Wilson of Alterergo in Sweden. He talks about his expertise in ergonomics and also his unique way of sharing this with your workforce so they are comfy, efficient and motivated. His advice could quite literally save you thousands of pounds, dollars, euro, krona or whatever!
As we are both called Mike and can help people with bad backs I have called this part of the show Back to Back with Mike and Mike - there is even a jingle but it needs a little work!
See Mike's website here or contact him via info@alterergo.se
He also mentions sour fermented herring which is not for the faint hearted!
Thank you to Barbro and Mike for being on the Relaxback UK show and please do contact them via this forum or directly via their email if you have questions for them.
Thank you also to you for reading and do PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SHOW.
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