Health & Safety in Construction in the UK
March 27, 2018 - Mike Dilke
This week the RELAXBACK UK show talks to experts in Health and Safety in the world of construction.
Construction sites can be dangerous places - last year 30 people died in construction related accidents. That is terrible but it is getting better and better as the industry puts in resources and expertise into ensuring safe systems of work.
What is still a large problem are health related issues. Even with the industry waking up to the problem of health many site staff are still falling ill from issues such as breathing in dust or solvents when working on construction sites.
Professor Alistair Gibb and Wendy Jones of Loughborough University talk about the human and financial impact of health concerns on UK construction sites and what is being done to improve things.
Useful websites
Professor Alistair Gibb can be reached on email at a.g.gibb@lboro.ac.uk
Thank you very much for reading and please do listen to the RELAXBACK UK SHOW.
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