Getting Yoga Mainstream and Foodsmiles

August 1, 2017 - Mike Dilke

I enjoy putting together the RELAXBACK UK show as I get to chat with some very cool people and this week is absolutely no exception. Heather Mason has tasked herself with getting yoga accepted as a more mainstream therapy within the NHS. Having met her I have no doubt she will succeed in making big, positive, money saving changes in areas of the NHS. Andrew Allen is a prime mover in FoodSmiles - a group that encourages people to eat more healthily and be more active by growing their own produce. This is a win-win which I am sure will catch on more and more.

Listen to the RELAXBACK UK show here.


Heather Mason has founded The Minded Institute and more recently The Yoga in Healthcare Alliance. The latter is a council of experts devoted to integrating therapeutic yoga practice into healthcare systems. Listen here  to hear how Heather sees this working and saving the NHS a lot of money in the process.


Andrew Allen is a member of FoodSmiles close to St Albans and Harpenden. The members work together to grow organic food and share in the work required and the benefits. It is very much a community that pools its resources so it is more efficient than all members having their own small garden or allotment. I can imagine the approach becoming popular and spreading. Hear how it works here.

Thank you for reading, please do listen to the show and if you have any questions or comments please make them below.