March 8, 2014 - Mike Dilke
I went to the Health and Wellbeing@Work conference this last Wednesday. It was very good with lots of excellent exhibitors and talks.
I went to some of the talks chaired by Professor Peter Buckle and the subject of changing cultures and also bad habits of children using technology came up. The professor took a straw poll of the room asking how many present sometimes used their laptop or tablet while sitting on the sofa - I think it was while watching TV at the end of the day. The room was full of ergonomists, OH therapists etc and at least half of them raised their hands. I am sometimes guilty as well and it shows how hard it is to get people to adopt healthy habits. Professor Buckle commented that children will tend to do what they see their parents doing and with musculoskeletal problems becoming more prevalent in younger people I am going to try and curb my bad habits - at least when my children are around!