Diet, Sensible Snacking and the London Vitality Big Half

March 13, 2018 - Mike Dilke

This week on the RELAXBACK UK show the guests are registered dietician, Hala El-Shafie, and TV chef and food writer, Peter Sidwell. The topic I chat about with them is diabetes and sensible snacking. There is also some news about the Big Half in London.


Both Hala El-Shafie and Peter Sidwell have their own TV shows so are very media comfortable. This became apparent when I was chatting with them and they put up with my amateurish hosting very graciously. The topic of eating well and snacking sensibly is very important as more and more people are becoming diabetic which is in part due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Hear Hala and Peter here.

Hala has a Channel 4 series this year and has 15 years experience as a dietician amongst much else. See her credentials here.

Peter Sidwell has developed some recipes for snacks made from California Prunes which you can see here. He also started Simply Good Food TV.

Thanks to both Hala and Peter - it was fun chatting to you both on the RELAXBACK UK show.

I have spoken about diabetes before on the Relaxback UK show. In one I tried to answer the question how much money does Parkrun save the NHS? This will be partly due to a bit more exercise putting off the onset of diabetes. I came up with an answer of over £11m per year which is probably conservative. Listen to that show here. If anyone has done some research into this I would love to chat with them.

I also spoke with an expert on diabetes - Dr Mark Vanderpump is an endochrinologist who is also an expert on getting his subject across sensibly so we can all understand. Here him here.


Also I MADE IT - I managed to run all of the Vitality Big Half in London without stopping. The event was very well organised and being one of thousands running really did spur me on and I even managed a bit of a sprint at the end - see the photo!

I did it for the BackCare charity and you can sponsor me here  - many thanks to those that have done so far. You can hear my thoughts at the start and also at the end once I got my breath back here.

 I had a lot of help from my coach, Helen MacVicker. She coaches triathlon at all levels but also helps middle aged paunchy blokes like me do a bit more running! If you would like to be put in touch with her please contact me via or leave a message on this blog.



Thank you for reading and if you have any comments or questions about the topics on the RELAXBACK UK show please do make or ask the here.