The Back Pain Show 2017 and Fun at The Clerkenwell Design Week

May 30, 2017 - Mike Dilke

The latest Relaxback UK show is about the shows I have been to recently. They were both very different but both fantastic - the Back Pain Show and Clerkenwell Design Week.


At the Back Pain Show I learnt that one part of my body is like that of a twenty year old! Which bit could it be? Well to the relief of everyone it is my bones as apparently I have the bone density of a young man!

The show was organised by the Back Care Charity  and their Brian Hammond had the bone density machine. There were many lectures and items on display which to help sufferers and those who treat with practical advice and knoweldge.

I attended a lecture asking the question 'Is having an MRI to diagnose the cause of back pain is a good idea?' It is not straightforward.

I also found a fabulous looking bag from the Health Back Bag Company that is good for your back. Shoulder bags are notoriously bad for you and rucksacks aren't to everybodies taste so this bag is the answer.

There were many other exhibition stands and I spoke to Les Creen who was manning one for his business, The Human Office which supplies all your office ergonomic needs. Listen here for what he says businesses really want in this area and to hear the others I spoke to at the show.

The Clerkenwell Design Week is a huge event and this year I really had some fun. Koenig and Neurath had a virtual reality device that they use to show clients what their office will look like with their new furniture design and layout. This really was like something I have never experienced before and will help customers envisage their new surroundings. You can hear me using the equipment here.

If you have any questions or comments please ask/ make them here.

Thank you for reading and please do listen to the Relaxback UK show.