July 11, 2017 - Mike Dilke
In this weeks Relaxback UK show there is some excellent advice on how to avoid tennis injuries from Gillian Brown who is an osteopath but she also represents England at tennis. In addition hear about a way to relieve some of the discomfort from sciatica and I also have a bit of a rant about ticket prices when commuting.
Hear the RELAXBACK UK show here.
If you have any comments/ advice or questions about the topics on the show please do make or ask them below.
Gillian Brown represents England at tennis in the seniors team - she is also an osteopath so is the perfect person to provide advice on pre-season training, warming up and warming down - infact anything to do with the musculoskeletal impacts of playing tennis. Hear all the advice here and see the video below specifically for tennis albow.
I also talk with Ian Garside who has developed a cushion to help with the pain of sciatica. I know how much this affects people as I have suffered from it and know it can be just horrible so listen here.
I have to admit to having a bit of a rant about commuting. It is bad enough with the physical discomfort of being packed onto crowded trains but the mental torture creates stress which is bad for us and certainly doesn't help any physical discomfort - I can practically feel my sciatica returning just writing about it!
The cheapest tickets for travel into London after rush hour and returning either before or after the evening rush hour are hidden on the ticket machines. I have witnessed people paying for tickets they don't need. I have asked why this is and suggested it be changed via the Thameslink website, via Twitter and even emailed the boss but have had no reply, (NOTE - I have now received an email from customer services after the show was made, see below.) Listen to the rant here and look at the video below to show what you need to do to access the cheap tickets. You would never find them if you weren't showed how.
STOP PRESS - on July 10th I received an email from a customer services person saying that they were 'unaware of any particular problems with the machines.' I sent an email to the boss on July 3rd. They want some more information from me before they respond. I will let you know the results.
Thank you for reading and please do listen to the RELAXBACK UK show and ask questions/ make comments below.
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