A Cure for a Golfers Back Pain
Gillian recalls that Graham had lower back pain for over fifteen years. Although he was a golf fanatic, the walking was aggravating his back and he was unable to play. As golf was his only exercise and a social outlet for him he was really keen to find a solution. The Osteopathic examination showed that Graham had some stiffness at the base of his spine and some stiffness in his feet. To take a closer look at his foot function Graham walked across the Gaitscan system which recorded his timing sequences during walking. This confirmed that his walking pattern and in particular his lack of big toe movement was putting strain on Grahams back. Gillian explained to Graham that the big toe forms the pivot for entire body movement, and a disturbance in function, when repeated thousands of times on a daily basis, can alter the way we move and put strain on the lower back. The good news is that when this is treated specifically with an orthotic, over 77% people will get long-term relief from their back pain.
Tel: (01582) 764361 mob: 07969 138607
May 5, 2012 - Mike Dilke
Has a bad back ruined your love of playing golf? I must admit that I am not a golfer but I know a number of golfers who have had a bad back ruin their enjoyment of the game so I thought that the story below might provide you with a feel good factor and maybe even something to ponder on if your back prevents you from playing the game you love.
Ever thought your feet had anything to do with your back pain?
You may never have thought your feet had anything to do with your back pain. Well neither did local golfer Graham until he came to see Gillian Brown, Osteopath and foot specialist of Harpenden Osteopath Sports Injury clinic. Gillian identified that Grahams poor foot function was causing strain on his lower back. Using a state-of-the art Gaitscan system, which measures foot function, she was able to get to the root cause of his problem and prescribe orthotics (shoe insoles) to correct his gait and relieve his chronic lower back pain.
Graham was prescribed orthotics and is now playing regular 18-rounds of golf with his friends pain-free for the first time in 15 years.
Gillian has successfully treated many types of injuries using orthotics including; foot pain, knee pain, hip pain & back pain. Orthotics can be beneficial to any age above 7-8 years & Gillian has treated successfully children as young as 7 years old.
For more information on injury assessments & orthotics you can contact Harpenden Osteopath Sports Injury clinic on;
Email: info@gbosteopathy.com www.gbosteopathy.co.uk